DragstripsGone.com is your one-stop source for nostalgic, drag racing memorabilia from tracks that no longer exist. Our professional graphic designers continue to research and seek out long-lost relics from the glory days of drag racing to recreate accurate reproductions using quality materials and over 57 years of combined experience and talent. Unlike much of what you might have seen on eBay and other places with questionable materials and equipment, we strive to provide you with products that you won’t (or shouldn’t) find anywhere else!

Much of the design work that we recreate is from Dino Lawrence’s original Hot Rod & Drag Racing art from the late ’60s & early ’70s. Dino served as Announcer and “PR guy” at the old Dover Drag Strip in Wingdale, N.Y. Most Dover Art was conceived by him. He designed the original interlocked NED (NHRA Northeast Division One) logo for the division’s annual cover for 1969, and it’s still used today. He also did the four-bar Super Stock Nationals logo. Dino also keeps the Dover Dragstrip memories alive by hosting the Dover Dragstrip Nostalgia Drags since 2009 at Lebanon Valley Dragway. See our event page at https://www.facebook.com/dover.dragstrip/